Top 3 Reasons you need a Vision Strategist


As a Vision Strategist, I often get asked

“why do I need you to coach me through it?”. 

Well, How many times have you put trust into other professionals to help you with a personal goal or objective?  They push you, hold you accountable and make you strive for more.  Well, that’s what I do.  Having a Vision Strategist is very much like having a personal trainer, a business coach, or a hairstylist you know and trust. 

My job is to level you up!  (Reason #1)

I take your vision board way beyond a pinterest project and into a viable, functioning part of your business or personal life. I ask you the hard questions that you didn’t think to ask when creating a vision board.  I take you through a thought provoking process of finding gratitude, acknowledging what is working in your life and then aligning all this into the ideal life you wish to live. This rarely happens when you only sit down to clip magazines and glue on a poster board in 30 minutes. 

 Having me as your Vision Board Coach gets you deeper and more aligned with your dreams… who doesn’t want or need that? 


Accountability Partner!  (Reason #2)

Another reason you hire professionals to help you reach some of your goals is for the accountability.  As entrepreneurs we are constantly looking for partners to hold us accountable… accountable for social media postings, accountable for follow up, accountable for schedules, etc., etc.  There is so much we have to keep up with!  As your Vision Board Coach, I hold you accountable to your dreams, to your ideal life by training you and ensuring you are using the vision board for manifestation and not just wall décor! I follow up, I reach out and help keep that vision board you have created in the front of your mind so that you work each day with more purpose and intention.


Purpose and Intention (Reason #3)

I think sometimes we are all guilty of failing with new years resolutions, right?  I think we all sometimes have challenges sticking to dreams and goals.  Why do you think that is?  One little detail is because we come up with resolutions or short-term goals hastily and scribble them on a post it note and we simply lose track of it.  It’s not right in front of us every day.  They are not well thought out and often done on a whim. Going through a more profound process to create your vision board organically encourages you to live and work with greater purpose and intention.  You are drawn into the vision of the life you want to create and this makes your mind live and work as if you already have all that you dream of.  I’m no scientist and don’t know how your brain does this, but IT DOES! Imagine the amount of goals you can crush when you SEE them every day, when you manifest them each and every day!   I promise you – you’ll amaze yourself!

If you believe in manifesting your goals through visualization. Get a vision strategist!  I would love to help you re-boot your goals and dreams and hold you accountable to them!  Do yourself a favor…. Create a killer Vision Board! ☺



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