
Okay-ness to Start Over - Part 1

Ladies & gentlemen, we have had one hell of a ride the past couple of years. Let’s not sugar coat it, part of 2020 and most of 2021 just sucked.  On various levels.

Many lessons were learnt, many epiphanies were had, some goals were crushed while others held space on standby mode.  

There was just a lot going on folks!  Too much to get too profound with.

One thing that definitely left an impact on me was the Okay-ness to start over.  To re-invent, change things up.  I feel that so, so much.  I’ve seen it happen with people that I never would have guessed they would change their course; I’ve seen it with groups, organizations, businesses (lots of small businesses)… and it has been wonderful!  

It’s great to see that no matter how passionately we believe in something, someone, we can take a step back, re-evaluate and shift a bit.  Not because we believe less in these things, but because change and shifting is a natural way to allow for growth and positive growth is a good thing!

I have taken time to listen to the whispers in my ears from the universe and I too have embraced this shifting and re-inventing.  I’m not really re-inventing but rather making adjustments in my life and business that are more accurately aligned with my bigger vision.  

The first thing is that I have tweaked is my oils business. I love Doterra and I love what I get to do with this company in terms of taking control of my personal wellness and how I can serve others through education and making these products accessible to more people. I have re-focused my energy this year in to connecting more and more often with those who want to learn and use oils as part of their daily regimen. I want to share oil experiences and make holistic and natural remedies a common solution for more people. I now have a monthly blog/newsletter out on the 10th of every month, a FB live on the second Wednesday of every month talking about oily things, hacks or just plain silliness and have opened up my calendar to offer as many FREE oily consults as I can possibly squeeze in every month. Sign up for your personal Chat here and don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter too!

More to come later this week about how I am shifting in 2022!

Wishing you PEACE and SERENITY with a sprinkle of CHEER for the New Year!