Purity in your daily life.


Happy February!!!❤

According to Google, the word FEBRUARY is "the month is named for the Latin word februum which means purification"

Do you pursue purity in your daily life?


Think about this for a minute....

By definition, Pure means: not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material; without any extraneous and unnecessary elements; free of any contamination. 

I invite you to look at your relationships and your daily habits and ask yourself - "Is this_______ pure? Am I doing my best to engage in pure relationships, surroundings and daily health habits?"

This is not always easy, for sure! But I think once we can acknowledge what areas of our life are less than pure, we can make efforts to change that. 

So, here are some easy things to start purifying in your life and some tips on how to do it. 


1 - Your Home - Ditch all the toxic and synthetic cleaning supplies, room sprays and poisons that we mistake for being clean.  Take a hot minute to assess how many products in your home would require you to call poison control if your child or pet got a hold of it.  I promise, you will be shocked.  Instead, opt for natural cleaners like these which are not only safe but even more effective than traditional products. 

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2 - Your Medicine Cabinet - As with our household cleaning products,  most of us also have a whole arsenal of ‘just in case’ products we keep on hand for when our littles feel yucky, when the husband has the man flu or you have a mom-migraine.  While they might be convenient cheap, they are not ‘pure’ for our bodies and really only treat on the surface, not our immunity system.  Natural and pure remedies are easily attainable and doable and also help to build our immunity systems so that we stay healthier longer.  Elderberry syrup, local honey and essential oils are of course wonderful alternatives to over the counter drugs.  For a wide range of prevention and intervention with our littles, take a look at the Kids Kit from DōTERRA that takes care of immunity, emotional and physical needs.  For immunity support and seasonal support that the whole family can benefit from, click the link to learn how pure oils such as Frankincense, lemon, peppermint plus many others can support your bodies and wellbeing.  Simple changes can make such a long term impact!

3 - Your Relationships - From your spouse to your mom tribe, ensuring that our personal relationships are in fact pure and positive play a huge role in our overall health and wellbeing. Unfriend that bad seed.  Unfollow the Debbie-downer.  Have the date night with your partner and renew the passion as often as you can.  If you need a little extra motivation to rekindle the fire, try using Passion Blend in the diffuser instead of synthetic candles to set the ambiance. Oh and need I mention how awesome this romantic blend of rose and jasmine with a bit of coconut oil will be for a sensuous massage?  Not your thing?  That’s ok - the Passion Blend is formulated to spark passion in all  you do. Whether you write, sing, paint, read or whatever creative capacity you claim as your superpower, passion blend will help you ignite that passion when you are feeling stuck.  I use this all the time as a natural perfume, too! 


4 - Your emotional wellbeing - I picture our mom/female brains like those giant computer rooms from back in the 70’s where there is a ton of activity going on and info coming in and out of everywhere.  Total info overload.  I get it.  We are all busy multitasking life, but unfortunately sometimes that takes a toll on our emotional health.  The often negative consequences of that include shot immune and metabolic systems, negative self talk, low self esteem, damaged relationships and the list can go on. Too many times, we reach for easy - often unhealthy - fixes such as junk food and treats and for some antidepressants or other prescription drugs.  While there may be a place for these in the world for some, it’s important to note that there are natural alternatives to release some of the emotional stress and pressure too.  Yoga, meditation and aromatherapy are all easy ways to be good to yourself.  For a wide range of emotional support, I really depend on our Emotional Aromatherapy Kit for all the feelings and all the things!! I have these at arms length and use them all the time!  What a difference it makes to provide our heart, body and soul with natural goodness at all levels.  

I’m sure that we can expand this list of things that require purity to allow us to prosper, but this is a pretty good start. 

Be good to yourself this month and work on pursuing what is pure for yourself and your life. 

Come hang out with me at @TheSpanglishCasita on FB for more natural and oily goodness tips for you and your family!